Winter Medley

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A foot of gorgeous fluffy-white powder snow battered by ice, rain and fog this past week. The milder weather, a momentary reprieve from the biting cold. Tree stumps and field grasses jutting out of dirty-white snow. Hilly back roads deep with ice, town crews working overtime to spread gravel to keep cars from sliding into road ditches. The river running high, mud-brown between shards and sheets of blue-green ice. Brief trips to town and short walks between ice storms and dangerous deep-freeze temperatures. Staying close to home, stoking the wood-stove, tackling desk work, curling up with movies and books. Soup simmering on the stove, whole grain rolls baking in the oven, bottomless pots of hot tea, hibernation mode in high gear.


  1. Thank you for these lovely pictures, a couple of the photos are like taken out of an Edward Hopper calendar, only they are photos – but there is something about capturing the right motive at the right moment – the “stemming” – the atmosphere – that you share with him some times in your motives that speak for themselves, like a remote house surrounded by ice and snow. And then, to get the reader out of the cold; warming and reassuring words like: a nice cup of tea, bread baking in the oven, lit candles everywhere (don’t know if you used those exact words, but you know what I mean). Can hardly wait for your next post!


    1. Hi AK,
      Thanks so much for your generous comment. I am lucky that my daily drives and walks pass by so many great photo-ops. Though some days it does take me a long time to get to where I am going. 🙂


  2. When I have the good fortune to spy one of your posts, I always smile. Your collection of images and the oh-so-fitting accompanying words remind me why I live in southern Vermont. Thank you, as always!


    1. Thank you for your kind comment. Even though I love to travel, I do feel very lucky to live in Vermont, with so much beauty close at hand. I enjoy your images – a wonderful perspective and angle on the rich small town and rural landscape we call home.



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